Books and magazines often cite the top reasons to buy a property in Cyprus. The list usually contains the well-known platitudes such as better weather, lower cost of living, healthier food, slower pace of life, local people that speak English, greater tax advantages and so on. I sometimes find myself getting annoyed by these lists as the authors often leave out the more interesting and exciting elements of moving to Cyprus. Listed below are my personal top 5 reasons for relocating to Cyprus:

Cyprus Property Buying Guide

1. A New Adventure

Moving to another country is not something that people often do in their lives. Packing up and relocating to Cyprus is a huge adventure and will surely be full of fun and exciting surprises. There will be new people to meet, new places to visit, a different lifestyle to adapt to and loads of new experiences. Many people hit a point in their lives where not much seems to be happening and they need something to bring out the kid in them. Moving to Cyprus provides them with a new lease on life and the possibility of an exciting and stimulating journey!

2. Experience the Outdoors Year Round

There are very few countries that allow for year round outdoor activities and this makes Cyprus a very attractive destination. Cyprus is an excellent country to do a bit of bird watching or just take in the beautiful surroundings. Whether you enjoy a stroll on the beach, a walking trail through the mountains or a day trip to archaeological remains there are many things to do in the great outdoors.

Despite the fact that Cyprus is home to many Brits and that most people speak English, its amazing culture remains unchanged. The various holidays, festivals and traditions are utterly unique and fascinating. And the great thing about Cypriots is that they welcome foreigners right into their homes to celebrate a birthday or enjoy a Sunday meal – their motto is definitely ‘the more the merrier.’ Indeed, the word ‘hospitality’ comes from the Greek word to be kind to strangers. The Cypriot culture is one where the children come first, the family unit is strong and love is shared. It’s endearing to see and fantastic to be welcomed into their world.

3. History Lessons

I’m convinced that it’s possible to spend a whole lifetime studying and understanding the history of Cyprus. It seems that every civilisation had an influence on the tiny country and there is a long history of occupations, wars and cultural exchanges. And the truly exciting thing is that, aside from learning the history, you can actually go out and look at it! From Roman ruins to burial sites to castles and walled cities there’s a huge range of historical remains that you can visit.

4. Improve your Health

I often get the chance to meet Cyprus Buying Guide readers in Cyprus and I’ve frequently chatted to numerous people that made the move for health reasons. One reader, Carol, had a very serious heart condition and was worried about the medical facilities in Cyprus. She had done her research and determined that the hospitals would be able to assist with her serious condition. Strangely, since moving to Cyprus she hasn’t had any problems! Also, many readers have expressed that their allergies have disappeared or that their arthritis no longer plagues them. Perhaps it’s all the olive oil and warm weather?! Plus of course a more relaxed and stress free pace of life…

5. See your family and friends

Countless people have told me that they now see more of their family than they did before they moved to Cyprus. When you have a home on the island of sun it won’t take long for friends and family to cotton on to the fact and visit! In fact, you might find yourself wondering when you’ll have time to sit back and relax.

There are many excellent reasons to relocate and it’s very possible to truly find a better quality of life. However, moving to Cyprus is a huge step and should not be taken lightly.

In an effort to truly understand Cyprus, take time to ask people that have made the move what they like and dislike. By doing so you’ll have a better chance of getting a balanced account. Best wishes with your plans to buy on the beautiful island of Cyprus!

Kim Brown is the author of the Cyprus Buying Guide. The guide is a publication dedicated to helping readers understand the A to Z of buying a property in Cyprus.Get your FREE Cyprus Mini-Guide on buying a property here.