So…you have made the big decision to move to America – but exactly where in this huge country have you decided to move to?

The United States of America is the third largest country in the world, with coastlines on both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans and borders with countries as diverse as Mexico in the south and Canada to the north. Due to its vast size, it has many different cultural influences, climatic conditions and landscapes. It varies from deserts to rain forests, from huge urban sprawls to vast rural farmlands; depending on which State you choose to live in. Temperatures vary too, from hot and humid in the south, searing heat in the desert terrain, and cold, snowy winters in New England and the Eastern Seaboard.

Much of rural America has a fairly low population density, with farming still an important part of the country’s economy. Life in these rural areas is still lived at a gentle pace, with traditional values still very much in evidence. The south – referred to as the ‘Bible Belt’ – is traditionally conservative, while the west coast is perceived as being more liberal in its views. The big cities such as New York have a more ‘global’ feel and if it’s museums and cultural activities you are after, then look no further!

Property prices can vary quite dramatically. When you are choosing a place to move to, you need to take all of this into account and be very sure that you find a place that’s just right for you. Your little piece of the American Dream awaits – you just need to choose carefully from the start.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in America, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘USA Property Buying Guide