It’s easy to get carried away with a notion of moving abroad only to be sorely disappointed when, after a little investigation, you discover that it isn’t actually a viable option for a number of reasons. To help you avoid this unnecessary heartache, today the Overseas Guides Company outline the top three things to consider as soon as the idea of moving abroad enters your head.

Do you need a visa and can you get one?

Sadly, if your desired country imposes strict visa restrictions upon emigrants, this can mean that it might not be as easy as you initially thought to just up and move there. If you are a UK resident then you can pretty much move freely around Europe but should you wish to move further afield, chances are that you will need to apply for a visa. If this is the case then you need to get on the country’s government website and work out what category of visa you are eligible for.

What are the healthcare standards like?

As we all know, health is the most important thing and for this reason, you need to make sure that should you make the move, the health care that you need, will be available to you. This is of particular importance to those who require regular treatment or a particular type of medication – if you can’t get what you need, perhaps you need to consider another country.

What is the school system like?

If you are moving with your children, you need to make sure that they will be able to get a good education. The last thing that you want is to sacrifice their future. Fortunately standards are high in long haul destinations like Australia, Canada and the US, as well as in Europe but if you have particular concerns about them getting qualifications that might not be as easily recognised should they decide to return to the UK, perhaps consider an international school. Realistically finding a good school shouldn’t be a problem but you do need to check that they have places available.

How far will your money go?

It’s important to look at costs right at the offset so that you know that you can afford it! Emigrating can be an expensive business and even if you have savings, do you know how far they will go in your new country? This will involve a little research into property prices, visa costs, travel fares, health insurance and so on, which may sound like a lot of hassle but it will ensure that you wont be hit with a shed load of unexpected costs.

Also, you should work out how far your money will go in your new currency and if you are retiring, how much your pension will be worth once it is transferred to your new country. Will it be enough? This can be quite a tricky business and the amount you will get/ have will be affected by the currency markets. We understand how confusing financial matters can be, therefore we recommend you chat to the experts at Smart Currency Exchange. They can provide advice and guidance on transferring your finances, charge no fees or commission on these transfers and will help you to lock in favourable exchange rates so that you will always know how much you are going to get for your money in your new country.

At some stage you are going to need to transfer money to your new country to buy a property or to help you to get by whilst you get settled in. We always advise enlisting the services of a currency specialist rather than just using your high street bank – this is because banks cant secure the best rates and often charge rather hefty fees on top – this can all add up and when you are trying to budget for your move, the savings that you can make by using a currency expert could really mount up. Surely you’d rather keep the money that you would be forced to pay out in fees and put it into something more fun – like a car, a swimming pool or for dining out when you are adjusting to all of the new cuisine.

It may seem ludicrous to contact a currency expert so early on in your journey but it’s free to sign up and when you do you gain access to expert knowledge from the traders who can advise on what the currency markets are likely to do and how you should act to save the most money. The information that they can provide you with is invaluable. If you are keen to get this aspect of your move sorted ASAP, you can sign up free of charge with Smart Currency Exchange.

Anyone on the verge of buying a property overseas, who will need to transfer Sterling to an overseas account to pay for their purchase, should consider using Smart Currency Exchange, as they consistently offer better exchange rates than banks. For more information on this, visit the Currency Zone or download Smart’s free report here.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property overseas, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Overseas Buying Guide

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