Wealthy investors from countries such as Norway, Germany and the Netherlands have been relighting their passion for property purchase, according to an international search agency which specialises in property.

Since 2007, Middle Eastern and Asian investors have dominated the property market; however ‘Quintessentially Estates’ has now reported seeing a demand from buyers all across Europe. They have themselves been instructed on orders worth over £200million; an increase of 50% on last year, during the same period.

Penny Mosgrove, speaking from Quintessentially Estates, says “Turmoil in the equities markets in driving buyers back to a safe haven they trust, property. This, coupled historically low interest rates throughout the eurozone, has created a surge in demand.”

The company still states that France is the most popular destination with their clients, and others are looking into Greece, Italy and Portugal in the hope of bagging a bargain. “Off the back of the positive trend, there is still a big note of caution in that British and US buyers remain conspicuous by their absence. This is in no small part connected to confidence in their respective economies and currencies” added Mosgrove.