This week Alexis Goldberg of the chats to Angela and Matt Saunders who live in France’s southern Languedoc region.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Matt works as a building contractor and Angela runs a small gallery. Alexis asks them why they decided to make the move, why they chose the Languedoc and how they found the buying process…

What made you decide to come and live in France?

Matt had already lived in Montpellier for some years before returning to the UK. However, his heart was always here in the Languedoc. After we got married we started looking for a property. We found our house and bought it with the idea of renting it as a holiday home until our youngest son, then 18 months, was about four years old. We had a flat in Windsor in the UK which was too small so we decided to move here.

What areas did you consider and how did you end up choosing the Languedoc?

It was always going to be this area, mainly because Matt already knew it and loved it. We definitely wanted to be somewhere warm. Also having small children, it was perfect from the point of view of being near to the beach, the lake and there is plenty of outdoor activity for the children.

What was your experience of property agents in France?

We were fortunate to have a very positive experience but Matt being bilingual and having had previous experience of property buying in France definitely helped with all the legalities. We also have a friend in Rieux who had already bought here and they were a great help to us.

What would you say are the pluses of living in France as against the UK?

Schooling for the children is excellent and the fact that they will both be bilingual is tremendous. The outdoor life for children is great. There is more space than we had in the UK, where we live in the village is south facing so we have lots of sunshine and the whole area is tremendous with beautiful landscapes. We love the lifestyle, our surroundings and Matt would say the wine!

For details of properties for sale in France visit the French listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when buying in France, or moving there, is to use a currency exchange specialist when transferring your pounds into euros. For more information on this, visit the Currency Zone or contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in France, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘France Property Buying Guide’

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