If you are planning a trip to view Portugal property this year, why not research the various castles dotted around the country. The castles of Alfaiates, Sortelha, Vilar Maior, Sabugal, Castelo Mendo, Castelo Bom, Castelo Rodrigo, Penamacor, Monsanto and Pinhel are to name but a few of these historic monuments!

The majority of these beautiful ancient buildings have been classified as national monuments as they date as far back as the 11th, 12th and 13th century. Many of the castles are also linked to the defence of Portugal throughout the years, from many an enemy who tried to invade.

Go to Almeida to see its fortress which was turned into an almighty bastion of the border area, or perhaps the walled town of Trancoso. The town still has much of its medieval feeling, much due to its past crammed with Portuguese heritage.

If you love the castles and the heritage of Portugal, then why not take a trip on the government latest idea, the 20-castles route. This will take you past some of the best of the best in Portuguese heritage.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Portugal, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Portugal Property Buying Guide