If you have yet to sit down and read about the results of this week’s Italian election – we can reveal that the general election held on Monday produced an unhelpful stalemate between the centre-right and centre-left and was dubbed “a jump to nowhere”.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

When all of the domestic votes were counted it was revealed that Pier Luigi Bersani (centre-left) had only secured enough votes to dominate the lower house but failed to win enough seats in the Italian senate where seats are decided by region. This unfortunately means that even if he were to join forces with Monti, the former Prime Minister, Bersani would still be unable to command a majority as a control of both the senate and the lower house are needed in order to govern.

So, inevitably this leads us to consider the possibility of Bersani attempting to establish a coalition.

First we look to Beppe Grillo, a former comedian turned political leader, who managed to secure 25 per cent of the vote to land his “Five Star Movement” in 3rd place. Since Monday, Grillo has been quick to dismiss claims that his party will form a coalition and instead expressed the opinion that he believes Bersani is highly likely to form a coalition with Berlusconi’s People of Freedom Party.

It would be possible for Bersani to attempt a minority government, but as such a move would clearly be unstable, it is thought that a move towards forming a coalition will be the approach that he takes. Although the outcome of this would be unlikely to stand the tests of time, the resulting coalition government could be just enough to govern the country through these tough economic times.

For details of property for sale in Italy, visit the Italian listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when buying and restoring property in Italy is to use a currency specialist when transferring your pounds into euros to complete the purchase. For more information on this, contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Italy, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Italy Property Buying Guide

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