Tours 'could be ideal' for those seeking property in FranceThe city of Tours on the banks of the Loire could prove to be the ideal location for anyone hunting for a property in France that enjoys culture and food.

Writing for the Telegraph, Lindsey McWhinnie praised the destination for its wide-ranging attractions that include art, culture, food and history.

"Tours is so much more than just another French historical destination. Breathtaking as it is, the city feels lived in," Ms McWhinnie commented.

Anyone who chooses the city as the location for their property in France will be able to take advantage of its 30 street markets, enjoy good food and wine and marvel at its architecture.

The Tours Cathedral is one example of the city's architecture, with the building featuring sections dating back to the 12th century.

According to Sacred Destinations, visitors should look out for the 13th-century stained glass windows that run down the nave between the sanctuary and the choir.

Stop dreaming, start searching! Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of property in France.