How to keep the money rolling in post-retirement

Retirement used to mean that the time had arrived for you to sit back and put your feet up. You were able to relax safe in the knowledge that your hard-earned pension was sufficient enough to support you in your golden years. Sadly all this has changed because as life expectancies have increased, pensions have [...]

By |2012-05-29T10:44:53+01:00May 28th, 2012|Articles|

Little cause for concern for expats in Corfu

Unless you have had your head under a rock for the last week you will know that Greece has been going through a general election and unfortunately for the troubled nation, the conclusion was far from satisfactory. The country's political instability has given rise to fresh questions over Greece's place in the Eurozone and has [...]

By |2012-05-18T09:03:15+01:00May 17th, 2012|Articles|

Greece seeks to build tourism industry to improve economy

For years, Greece has been a favourite holiday destination with people across Europe and in particular people from the UK, Germany, France and Italy. With the countries current economic climate and unrest, it is no surprise that the numbers of people flying to Greece for a holiday have been dwindling. The Association of Greek Tourism [...]

By |2012-04-11T14:04:38+01:00April 8th, 2012|Articles|

Smart saved money on our Corfu purchase

Peter and Deborah had always wanted to spend time in the sun, away from the grey English weather. Greece was their country of choice so when Deborah’s mother sadly passed away they decided to use their inheritance both to invest their money wisely and to make their dreams come true. “We wanted to do something [...]

By |2012-03-21T14:54:39+01:00March 18th, 2012|Articles|

Greek crackdown on homes with illegal areas

Property-owners in Greece with illegally built areas, typically in the basement or garage area, are being advised to apply to have these areas legalised, needless to say at a cost. One way the cash-strapped Greek government is trying to raise money is by encouraging town planning offices to check on transgressors and impose fines on [...]

By |2012-03-07T18:28:51+01:00March 9th, 2012|Articles|

What the future holds for Greece

The immediate scare is over and Greece remains in the Eurozone for the time being – but for how long? In short, it appears that Greece has been living beyond its means for many years - since before it joined the euro. After it adopted the euro, public spending soared and public sector employment (and [...]

By |2012-02-27T17:38:41+01:00February 27th, 2012|Articles|

Greece to rent out The Acropolis

It is no secret that Greece is in a great deal of trouble financially. But perhaps few could have predicted what has been suggested recently – that the Acropolis could be rented out in a bid to pay off some of the countries debts. The ancient archaeological treasures could be used for advertising businesses and [...]

By |2012-01-23T16:52:49+01:00January 26th, 2012|Articles|

Greek crackdown on lettings licences

Anyone buying property in Greece and planning on renting it out to holidaymakers would do well to acquaint themselves with the Greek law concerning the EOT or 'Elliniko Organismo Tourismo' licence, especially given the cash-strapped Greek authorities are clamping down heavily on rented properties that are not licensed. EOT licenses provide a valuable income stream, [...]

By |2012-01-20T16:46:11+01:00January 23rd, 2012|Articles|