French property offers new kinds of incentives

French property seekers are more likely to be offered locally-themed incentives to buy than the normal extras, it has been stated. In a feature on the trend, the Independent noted that there has been a shift away from basing the appeal of overseas property on the presence of facilities such as tennis courts or golf [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:15:06+01:00May 22nd, 2009|Articles|

French property buyers credited with boosting Riviera

The popularity of the Riviera with French property buyers is helping the area to retain its tourism popularity, it has been stated. Commenting on the enduring appeal of some European holiday destinations, Head of RightmoveOverseas Robin Wilson said that the French Riveria generates about 9,000 searches a month for property to buy on He [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:17:22+01:00May 21st, 2009|Articles|

Pays de la Loire property hailed as example of French property bargain

French property seekers can obtain a property requiring restoration but with potential for rental use for just €66,000 (£58,000), it has been reported. The renovation project in question is in Mayenne in the Pays de la Loire region of the country, notes Already supplied with water and electricity, the stone property needs restoration but [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:20:23+01:00May 19th, 2009|Articles|

French property still strong on Riviera, say experts

The opening of a new estate agency office on the French Riviera has been hailed as evidence that the region is still in a solid state when it comes to the property market.A feature in the Times noted that Winkworth has just opened a new base between the towns of Cap d'Antibes and Juan-les-Pins.Cannes was [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:28:20+01:00May 15th, 2009|Articles|

Provence highlighted as popular among French property buyers

The region of Provence remains popular for French property buyers, it has been noted.A report in the Times highlighted the fact that British expatriates continue to purchase homes in the area, with many being attracted to the "more wholesome" experience offered.The publication explained that prices have fallen by just six per cent over the last [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:29:48+01:00May 15th, 2009|Articles|

South of France in Capital of Culture boost

A large area of the south of France is to jointly hold the title of European Capital of Culture in 2013, it has been announced.The European Union has decided that Marseille-Provence will share the status with the Slovakian city of Kosice, something that may interest those seeking French property.Such a focus could help the Mediterranean [...]

By |2009-05-14T12:12:31+01:00May 13th, 2009|Articles|

France property optimism as economic hopes rise

The economic outlook in France is rising, new figures have suggested, something that may be of interest to those looking to purchase French property.According to data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the country has shown "tentative signs" of a pause in the economic slowdown.The body's composite leading indicators (CLIs) update revealed that [...]

By |2009-05-14T12:12:31+01:00May 13th, 2009|Articles|

Gascony recommended for France property buyers

British buyers of French property have said the move to the Gers area of Gascony has been a very good one for them, both financially and in terms of their lifestyle.Speaking to the Daily Mail, Jayne and John McNish noted a number of advantages to living in the area after moving from the Wye Valley [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:32:10+01:00May 12th, 2009|Articles|

French property exhibition set for this month

Organisers of the French property Exhibition in Harrogate this month have offered the winner of a competition a free ride across the channel to check out some possible prospects for themselves.A return ferry trip for four passengers and a car is the prize awaiting the winners of a free competition that visitors to the show, [...]

By |2009-05-14T12:12:32+01:00May 11th, 2009|Articles|

Gallop for French property

French property owners with a passion for horse racing will have a chance to experience a major event later this month.The Great Paris Steeplechase takes place on Sunday May 24th at the Hippodrome d'Auteuil in Paris.Runners are presented with a total of 23 fences over the 5,800 metres of the course and spectators can witness [...]

By |2009-05-14T12:12:33+01:00May 8th, 2009|Articles|