Where in the world are all the British buyers?

Wondering where in the world most Brits are buying property – if indeed at all? Article written by The Overseas Guides Company The latest Overseas Guides Company (OGC) Quarterly Index was released recently, with Southern Europe again making the headlines – although this time for the right reasons! The OGC Quarterly Index tracks the number [...]

By |2012-11-05T17:58:58+01:00November 6th, 2012|Articles|

Insider tips on investing in ski property

That’s right people - the ski season is upon us! Article written by The Overseas Guides Company As the days get colder and the nights draw in, people are rushing to book their time on the slopes – and of course their accommodation. With a seemingly unending supply of tenants looking to rent for a [...]

By |2012-10-29T15:50:17+01:00October 30th, 2012|Articles|

Home sweet gite? French property styles explained

Overseas buyers casting their eye over a property in France, either as a second home or to emigrate to, can come across some unfamiliar terminology when it comes to property styles. Article written by The Overseas Guides Company Here, we take a look at the most common types of property – some more familiar than [...]

By |2012-10-29T15:48:44+01:00October 26th, 2012|Articles|

Gites expectations in France’s Languedoc!

Many of us dream of moving to France and becoming self-sufficient, and here we meet a couple who have done just that.   Article written The Overseas Guides Company Alexis Goldberg, resident of France’s Languedoc and author of the FranceBuyingGuide.com, chats to fellow expats John and Kate Coates, who run a local gîte business. How [...]

By |2018-11-15T18:00:44+01:00October 18th, 2012|Articles|

Fancy running your own gite in France?

After deciding that they wanted a complete change in lifestyle and that their priority was to bring their children up with them both at home, FranceBuyingGuide.com readers John and Kathryn Coates decided to make a move to the Aude Department. Article written by The Overseas Guides Company Having already discussed the possibility of running a [...]

By |2012-10-12T15:29:29+01:00October 12th, 2012|Articles|

Making the most of your location in the South of France

There are a wealth of reasons why realising your dreams of moving to France is a wonderful thing; living in the sunshine, a more relaxed and healthy way of life, learning about a new culture. All of these make the move worthwhile. Article written by The Overseas Guides Company In this week’s article, FranceBuyingGuide writer [...]

By |2012-10-09T16:03:57+01:00October 8th, 2012|Articles|

We love the lifestyle, the landscape and of course, the wine!

This week Alexis Goldberg of the FranceBuyingGuide.com chats to Angela and Matt Saunders who live in France’s southern Languedoc region. Article written by The Overseas Guides Company Matt works as a building contractor and Angela runs a small gallery. Alexis asks them why they decided to make the move, why they chose the Languedoc and [...]

By |2012-10-05T10:24:41+01:00October 5th, 2012|Articles|

Making money transfers to French notaires painless

Stories of French notaries holding up property transactions that involve foreign buyers shouldn’t deter British people from buying in France as in the rare instances that this happens, the siutuation is usually resolvable, let alone preventable in the first place, advises information provider the Overseas Guides Company. Article written by The Overseas Guides Company When [...]

By |2012-09-26T11:25:05+01:00September 26th, 2012|Articles|

Pain-free guide to French healthcare

One of the biggest concerns of Brits relocating abroad is what the healthcare system is like in their new country and whether they’ll have to pay for treatment. Article written by The Overseas Guides Company Here Alexis Goldberg, Languedoc resident and writer of FranceBuyingGuide.com, outlines healthcare in France: The French healthcare system is one of [...]

By |2012-09-21T14:41:24+01:00September 20th, 2012|Articles|