More ways to reach property in Spain’s leather capital, Majorca

Property in Spain's Balearic island of Majorca could be perfect for a little leather shopping, according to travel agent Thomas Cook.The travel firm is scheduling more flights to the island from Southampton for summer 2011.From May 28th to September 17th of next year, every Saturday, aircraft will depart bound for Palma, the company says.This gives [...]

By |2010-08-27T18:01:42+01:00August 27th, 2010|Articles|

People heading to property in Spain told to expect price fluctuations

Holidaymakers heading away to property in Spain have been reminded that the same product could cost different amounts in different shops or restaurants.Bob Atkinson, travel expert at, explains that any prediction of the cost of, for example, a cup of coffee is only ever an estimate.On arrival at property in Spain, travellers may find [...]

By |2010-08-26T18:00:00+01:00August 26th, 2010|Articles|

Tourists told to venture to inland property in Spain

Property in Spain's interior could provide a different kind of holiday for people who are bored of Benidorm.Carmen Hernandez Gomez, market analyst for the Spanish Tourism Office, explains that there is nothing wrong with Benidorm for a sunny break.For many people, the resort could be the ideal location for property in Spain, thanks to its [...]

By |2010-08-20T18:00:00+01:00August 20th, 2010|Articles|

Own property in Spain could solve worries for disabled travellers

Disabled travellers may want to consider buying their own property in Spain to guarantee the kinds of accessibility features required.Brian Seaman, spokesperson for Tourism For All, a national charity which helps disabled people to access overseas accommodation, says that worries about accessibility can make it difficult for the organisation's users to take advantage of last-minute [...]

By |2010-08-18T18:00:00+01:00August 18th, 2010|Articles|

Property in Spain’s capital could prove welcoming

Holidaymakers heading to property in Spain's capital city could find the destination "open and welcoming".Airline operator Emirates explains that Madrid is widely regarded as one of Europe's most accommodating cities - as well as being one of its largest.The scale of the city could be a further reason why travellers choose it as the location [...]

By |2010-08-13T18:00:00+01:00August 13th, 2010|Articles|

More Brits head to property in Spain and western Europe

Property in Spain is just one of the western European destinations where more Brits may have been heading in recent months.The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show an increase in UK residents heading overseas to places all over the world.Between March and June of 2010, an extra three per cent of [...]

By |2010-08-12T18:00:00+01:00August 12th, 2010|Articles|

IATA working hard to keep flights to property in Spain running

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is working hard to encourage air traffic controllers on the continent to keep flight routes to property in Spain open in the weeks to come.Advice from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office continues to advise Britons that travel to property in Spain could be disrupted in mid-August due to strike [...]

By |2010-08-11T18:00:00+01:00August 11th, 2010|Articles|

Own property in Spain and escape the complaints

Britons looking for a hassle-free holiday may want to consider buying property in Spain in order to avoid the risks of rented accommodation.Online travel firm HolidayExtras has published the findings of its research into the elements of a holiday that most often go wrong.Given this year's industrial action and natural disasters - such as the [...]

By |2010-08-11T18:00:00+01:00August 11th, 2010|Articles|

Emirates places property in Spain at hub of world flight paths

Property in Spain could prove to be at the heart of an extended network of direct flights as Emirates begins operating routes to and from Madrid.The Dubai-based airline has started the only scheduled non-stop passenger route between Spain and Dubai, creating its 104th destination worldwide.It marks the end of a series of European routes introduced [...]

By |2010-08-04T18:00:00+01:00August 4th, 2010|Articles|