New Zealand properties soar

Property in New Zealand has never been as low as property in Europe, namely Spain, Portugal and, more recently, Bulgaria or Turkey. New Zealand has always been on the higher end of the price scale however recently those prices have hit record highs. If you are thinking of buying property in New Zealand then a [...]

By |2011-11-07T10:49:48+01:00November 7th, 2011|Articles|

Property becoming more affordable in NZ

September saw New Zealand home loans hit their most affordable rate in eight years; due to the downward pressure on interest rates and the below average property prices. According to a new report, last months was the most affordable for those looking to take out loans and mortgages in New Zealand since 2004. This comes [...]

By |2011-11-02T16:09:13+01:00November 2nd, 2011|Articles|

One way ticket to Auckland, anyone?

If you’re moving to New Zealand to study or work, your best bet is to head straight to Auckland, according to a recent survey by New Zealand’s Department of Labour. Designed to discover why and how migrants settle in different parts of New Zealand, the government survey showed that on the whole migrants who chose [...]

By |2011-10-18T15:50:19+01:00October 18th, 2011|Articles|

Hammers at the ready

Each year the Australasian Real Estate Institute’s Auctioneer of the Year award brings out the best of the real estate world in Australia and New Zealand. Known as the most prestigious award to be won throughout Oz and New Zealand, you can be sure only the great estate agents will apply; as contestants battle it [...]

By |2011-10-12T12:56:10+01:00October 12th, 2011|Articles|

Luxury in demand in NZ

Homes in some of the most sought after suburbs in New Zealand are continuing to rise in value, with the most number of properties on record breaking the NZ$1-million (£501K) price tag. A good example of an Auckland suburb that has recently edged into the NZ$1-million club is Mission Bay, a beach resort with an [...]

By |2011-09-27T11:44:57+01:00September 27th, 2011|Articles|

Follow the pack to New Zealand

New Zealand’s tourism and rental markets are enjoying a surge after thousands of rugby fans from around the world, including the UK, flocked there for the Rugby World Cup. For many rugby fans, arriving in NZ to support their team will be the first time they’ve visited the country – and for some it might [...]

By |2011-09-22T13:05:26+01:00September 22nd, 2011|Articles|

Strong Spring in New Zealand

New Zealand’s residential property market is showing signs of being strong throughout the upcoming spring season. It is predicted to be a stronger season than in recent years, according to the latest report from NZ Property. The average asking price for new listings also rose significantly; from $403,474 in July to $415,0784 in August. This [...]

By |2011-09-19T14:58:11+01:00September 19th, 2011|Articles|

New Zealand building consent at a high

According to new figures from Stats NZ, the number of approvals for the building of houses rose last month by 6.3%. Taking our some seasonal factors, and omitting the numbers of apartments, the number of new homes which gained consent for building rose the 6.3% from June. With the number of apartments was taken into [...]

By |2011-09-09T10:35:38+01:00September 9th, 2011|Articles|

New Zealand set to rise

ASB’s quarterly survey of the housing market has found that the expectation of house prices rising has dramatically jumped up again, especially for Auckland. Throughout the country, it is said that around 44% of those asked were expecting higher prices; that figure is up from 33% last year. A further 19% of those asked believed [...]

By |2011-09-02T12:49:46+01:00September 2nd, 2011|Articles|

NZ property prices set to rise

A mortgage insurer is this week claiming that over the coming three years, prices for property in New Zealand could increase by around 12%. Released last week, a new report into New Zealand’s housing market has found there is a shortage of new homes available, thus leading to the ones which are available suffering huge [...]

By |2011-08-25T12:26:08+01:00August 25th, 2011|Articles|