Rightmove Overseas launches Property Finder Service

Do you have an idea of what kind of overseas property you want, know where you want to buy and have finance arranged, but don’t have the time to look through the listings on the site? We have launched a new service that could be the answer to your problem! If you are serious about [...]

By |2011-05-24T09:19:22+01:00May 23rd, 2011|News|

Getting to grips with driving in Greece

Driving in Greece is not as treacherous or nerve-wrecking as it can be in some European countries, and Greek drivers are slightly more considerate. However, be aware that Greece also has the highest accident rate in Europe, shortly followed by Portugal. The legal driving age in Greece is 18 and it is illegal for children [...]

By |2011-05-18T09:54:10+01:00May 17th, 2011|Articles|

A treat for meat lovers!

Moving to Greece is a big step, and some things are going to make you miss home more than others. Are you somebody who potters down to the local butcher on a Saturday afternoon to buy the meat for Sunday roast? If so then Greece has just the thing for you… The ‘Eviotopoi organic farm [...]

By |2011-05-06T14:23:34+01:00May 6th, 2011|Articles|

Love thy neighbour!

One important thing to bear in mind when buying any property…the neighbours. And buying abroad is no different, as TV presenter Natasha Kaplinsky has recently found out! Natalie and her husband have purchased a 5 bedroom villa on the island of Corfu, much to the dismay of her disappointed and angry new neighbours. The villa [...]

By |2011-05-05T11:42:51+01:00May 5th, 2011|Articles|

The best place in Athens to buy a property

There is nothing worse than setting off on a Greece property viewing trip, only to find when you get to your destination that your hotel is surrounded by a grey and dreary cityscape - definitely NOT what you have travelled hundreds of miles to see. This can happen in Athens: there are parts of the [...]

By |2011-05-05T11:12:18+01:00May 5th, 2011|Articles|

Some must-read books about Corfu

Most readers of Gerald and Lawrence Durrell’s books on Corfu feel the urge to visit the island – I know I did. The brothers wrote very differently about their youthful experiences, but their influence in attracting people to Corfu is strong. Lawrence’s books about Greece were both factual (well, almost) and amusing. Prospero’s Cell is [...]

By |2011-04-12T10:48:27+01:00April 12th, 2011|Articles|

The Colossus of Rhodes: a new wonder?

If you’ve been to Rhodes – perhaps on a Greece property viewing trip, I’m sure you’ve taken the time to imagine the ancient Colossus of Rhodes, built in about 292 BC. Sadly the ancient wonder was totally destroyed, but plans have long been discussed concerning the building of a new Colossus, one that is not [...]

By |2011-04-12T10:29:34+01:00April 11th, 2011|Articles|

Crete property offering inland promise

New forms of tourism are offering new life in inland parts of Crete, it has been stated.In a feature on the Vamos mountains area of the Greek island, the Guardian noted that agri-tourism and co-operatives running such ventures through rental Crete property are helping to boost the local economy.Among the attractions of the area are [...]

By |2010-09-22T14:38:20+01:00April 20th, 2009|Articles|

Developer adds olives to appeal of Crete property

Those keen on investing in Crete property may find they get a bonus with it in the form of fresh olives.Developer Caversham-Barnes has planted over 1,400 olive trees at its new project on the island, which will include nine two and three-bedroom villas when complete.The plan is for the olives to be harvested by owners [...]

By |2010-09-22T14:39:49+01:00December 22nd, 2008|Articles|