French property owners still skiing

People who own French property are still heading to their holiday homes for skiing, despite the impact of the global recession, it has been claimed.Any suggestion that the French slopes have been quiet this year because of the global economic downturn appear to have been dismissed by the organiser of the Metro Ski and Snowboard [...]

By |2009-11-27T12:31:24+01:00October 26th, 2009|Articles|

French property popularity ‘no surprise’

It is "no surprise" that France recently came top of a poll of the best places to live in Europe for quality of live, it has been said.Commenting after the country was voted best place to live in Europe, with Spain second, overseas property expert Alistair Lockhart said that the findings were not a surprise [...]

By |2009-11-27T12:35:38+01:00October 19th, 2009|Articles|

French property offers secluded shelter

For some distinctive - and thoughtfully designed - accommodation, French property offers some curious places to stay while visiting the country.The French Government Tourist Office notes the availability of French property in the form of wooden cabins.At Saint-Frion, these provide shelter without adding manmade materials to the surrounding environment.Nearby lakes provide an element of calm, [...]

By |2009-11-27T12:35:40+01:00October 16th, 2009|Articles|

French property owners could head to Versailles for art exhibit

Art-loving Brits who own French property could head to the Chateau de Versailles this month to check out an ongoing art exhibition which is taking place at the property/Artist Xavier Veilhan is showing a number of his pieces around the chateau itself, including Le Carrosse, which is a 15-metre long representation of a Louis XIV [...]

By |2009-10-26T18:08:44+01:00October 14th, 2009|Articles|

French property leads to underwater worlds

A whole new world awaits those who stay in French property, as the French Government Tourist Office notes the existence of underwater theme parks.These aquariums are located in towns from France's historic ports through to the more tourist-focused seaside resorts.Along with "ocean discovery centres" dedicated to housing and displaying sealife, the organisation adds that water [...]

By |2009-10-16T10:20:27+01:00October 12th, 2009|News|