Net yourself a holiday home fit for a star striker…

Watching today’s football heroes battle it out at the World Cup in Brazil, don’t you wonder what sort of luxury pad they disappear to after a hard day’s work? Curious for a peek into their world, we went house-hunting in four countries known for their love of the Beautiful Game. Our budget? The equivalent to [...]

By |2014-06-20T09:07:01+01:00June 19th, 2014|Articles|

Investors encouraged to snap up property in Brazil ahead of sporting events

Investors who are still re-playing the famous scenes of the London Olympics in their minds, namely Usain Bolt’s records and the ‘mo-bot’, need to look forward. Article written by Knight Knox International The 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, both held in Brazil, are sneaking up on us and property specialists are encouraging investors to [...]

By |2013-02-26T17:20:33+01:00February 26th, 2013|Articles|

Five overseas property trends for 2012

There is little doubt that 2011 has been a testing year for the overseas property market. Without doubt there have been some incredible bargains to be found in locations across the globe, but the progress that could have been made in many areas has been halted by a severe lack of economic confidence or an [...]

By |2012-01-26T14:09:46+01:00January 26th, 2012|Articles|

Feature – Enjoy the flavour and culture in property in Brazil

When it comes to exotic getaways, it's hard to imagine anywhere better than Brazil, with its eclectic mix of vibrant cities, beautiful beaches, stunning natural scenery and its outgoing culture. When you stay in property in Brazil, you will have ample time to explore some of the fascinating regions of this South American nation. From [...]

By |2010-11-17T16:15:13+01:00November 17th, 2010|Articles|

BRIC Group has cause for celebration

BRIC Group has cause for celebration as winners of Americas property awards are revealed If you are wishing to find the ultimate property developers across the length and breadth of the Americas, where better to look than the winners’ list of a highly acclaimed industry competition? The results of the Americas Property Awards in association [...]

By |2010-11-18T09:58:05+01:00November 17th, 2010|Articles|

Property in Brazil looking up for the future

The OECD is predicting 4 per cent economic growth for Brazil in 2010, adding weight to the assertion that the country is rebounding from the economic slump in an emphatic manner. This all points to a healthy future for property investment in Brazil, both for investors and for holiday home buyers.

President da Silva's efforts to [...]

By |2010-03-01T15:06:19+01:00December 11th, 2009|Articles|