Anyone having a trial run in a rented Portugal property may find the time is right to make their investment more permanent.

Attractive pricing means that is the perfect time for those considering a move abroad from the UK to decide once and for all if they want to start a new life in another country, according to’s Dan Johnson.

Mr Johnson, director of the website, said: "If you are moving […] then typically what you will do […] is rent for a short period of time, find a place that you like, find an area that you like and then buy.

"If you’re in that process and you’re in that cycle then now is as good a time as any to be buying somewhere there."

Investing in a Portugal property could prove to be a lucrative move for buyers following the worldwide property price slump.

A recent study published by Knight Frank found that almost half the countries surveyed could boast rising property prices as of quarter two of 2009. This included an increase in the value of Portugal property.

Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of Portugal property. Stop dreaming, start searching!ADNFCR-1848-ID-19366172-ADNFCR