Earlier this week, the 2011-2012 season was revealed at the Onassis Cultural Centre in Greece. The programme is designed with the hopes of attracting a broader local audience.

The president of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefir Foundation, Antonis Papadimitriou, states that the key issues of the cultural agenda are;

  • The search through the visual arts for a Greek identity
  • Getting Greece established as a recognised country on the international cultural scene
  • Making Greek culture more attractive to younger people

A successful six months of events has prompted the centre’s director, Christos Carras to make arrangements for further collaborations and there is hope that the centre could look into exporting its productions.

On the theatre side, the productions will largely be based on Greek literature, with plays based on novels such as ‘Merchants of Nations’ and ‘The Double Book’.

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