An Italian property expert predicts UK interest in property in Italy is set to rise in the coming months.

Although Italy suffered less than most in the global economic downturn, the housing market was affected everywhere by falling house prices.

Linda Travella of Casa Travella, who has been selling Italian property since 1987, believes that the worst is now over and 2010 will see improvements in buying conditions.

She said: "2010 promises more interest in the less risky world property markets. There is talk that in Italy, a well established country, property prices could increase by three to five per cent in late spring."

Ms Travella also advises those who may be looking to buy in property in Italy in 2010 to look at Tuscany, Le Marche and the Lakes of Maggiore and Garda, where there may be good deals to be found.

The Italian property expert may be familiar to people interested in buying a home in the country as she appears on radio and television.

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