Madeira's celebration of sugar syrup could be welcomed when journeying to property in PortugalFor travellers with a sweet tooth, property in Portugal could be just the thing.

As events such as the Madeira Flower Festival take place over the course of 2010, sweet delicacies are to be given away free to arrivals at Madeira’s international airport.

Giveaways have already been held by the Ribeiro Seco Sugar Syrup Factory, with more planned to coincide with the Flower Festival of April 15th-18th.

However, people travelling to property in Portugal throughout the rest of the year could still find themselves presented with tasty morsels if they fly in to Madeira.

More promotions are planned for other major calendar dates – including the summer months, Christmas and into the new year.

Sugar syrup is not the only liquid delicacy that Madeira is famed for, as it also produces the fortified wine that draws its name from the island itself.

While this is often sweet, more savoury versions of Madeira wine – including some flavoured with condiments such as salt and pepper – are also produced for use in cooking.

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