Stay in property in France and see a landscape art exhibitionBritons looking to stay in a property in France on their next overseas holiday may want to add a visit to the Fine Arts Museum in Quimper, Brittany to their itinerary.

The venue recently opened its From Turner to Monet exhibition and the display could prove of interest to art lovers with a keen interest in landscape art.

Focusing specifically on landscape painting in Brittany in the 19th century, the showcase consists of 100 drawings and paintings taken from public collections around the world.

Some of the art movements represented by these exhibits include the Romantic, Realist, Naturalist and Impressionist styles.

The Fine Arts Museum was founded in the late 19th century and can be found opposite the city's beautiful cathedral, which those staying in property in France might also want to visit.

Its collections consist of pieces dating as far back as the 14th century, with one particular highlight being a large fresco painted by early 20th century artist Jean-Julien Lemordant.

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