Brits who remember the good old days of the swinging Sixties and own a property in Spain can head to a festival in the city of Oviedo next year.

According to the official Spanish tourism website, the Euro Groovy Weekend Festival will boast "groovy music", shows featuring vintage fashion and a vinyl fair at which Spanish property owners can take a trip down memory lane and pick up some 60s beats.

As well as this, the weekend will finish with a scooter rally, which could interest those with property in Spain who are fans of the two-wheel life.

The Euro Groovy Weekend is set to take place from July 30th to August 3rd 2010 in Oviedo, Asturias.

The city is in northern Spain and is the capital of the Asturias principality.

It is famous for its traditional bean stew and chorizo as well as its "extremely green" landscape, noted a guide to the city on

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