May 2010 is to bring the opportunity to see a different kind of property in Italy, as the Forbidden City of Peking is recreated as a scale model.

Hosted at Casa dei Carraresi, the scale reconstruction is planned as part of the region’s third celebration of Chinese culture.

Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci is also to be honoured at the exhibition, for his work in bringing Chinese and Western cultures closer together.

He did this during the 17th century by introducing concepts of Western science into communities in the Far East.

The Italian Tourism Official Website says: "Through a surprising scale model made in paulownia wood we can virtually visit the royal palace, discovering its most hidden secrets."

At a scale of one-200th of normal size, the model could be among the smallest property in Italy.

For those who choose to stay in property in Veneto, the Italian region where the Casa dei Carraresi is based, towns available to choose from include Treviso, Padua, Verona and the iconic canals of Venice.

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