Next month will bring a chance for those who have purchased Portugal property to experience the true culture of the country.

Every year the Iberian nation celebrates its national day on June 10th – with a host of events taking place across Portugal.

It marks the anniversary of the death of Luis de Camoes – the country’s greatest writer and poet.

The portal notes that he is believed to have been born near Chaves around 1524, before moving to Lisbon.

His most celebrated work – The Lusiads – is an epic poem that is thought be based on personal experiences that included military expeditions and a shipwreck.

Portugal property owners can experience another taste of the country’s culture later in the year, when the Algarve village of Cacela Velha celebrates the Moorish Nights.

The festival is designed to recreate the Arab presence in the region from the tenth to 13th centuries.

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