Development Microsites
Microsites for marketing overseas developments was successfully launched on to the website in August with the idea that prospective buyers can “virtually” walk around your development online and get a good feel for the lifestyle and local area as well as the properties themselves.

In 2011 Rightmove created a product to help sellers of new build developments. It worked so well with UK developers that it has become the standard in developer marketing and it is now the standard way a UK buyer expects to look for a new home online. Since then microsites have been implemented across Rightmove and are used by many Estate Agency and Lettings customers meaning more and more British buyers on Rightmove see microsites every day.

The overseas version of a microsite comes with a host of new features including the ability to promote your high quality images in a gallery, integrate your videos, show your properties on a grid, display nearest airports and show full development plans.

Microsites are included as part of a wider development marketing package in which we’ve used our best website marketing products. If you’d like to read more about our development marketing packages you can download our brochure here or call us on 0044 1908 712044.

Updates to email enquiries
The eagle eyed of you may have noticed recent changes we have made to our email enquiry page that buyers use to send messages to you. This was done to help improve the quality of enquiries being sent to all of our members by requesting more information from the potential buyer.

Buyer Types

We firstly added the question ‘Reason for buying’ in which the user can select either:

  • Second Home
  • Relocation
  • Investment Only
  • Other

The top 3 of these 4 buyer segments cover the majority of our users’ reasons for wanting to by a property which we have captured from regular user surveys. As you may expect, those same surveys highlighted the fact that each of these buyer types have different wants and needs from their property overseas which we hope will help you to tailor your telephone and email responses for each.

For example:

You may want to prepare yourself with property pricing facts and trends for the investors? Or be armed with details on how a potential buyer could achieve residency for those who are looking to relocate? If you receive a second home buyer enquiry you might want to promote the fact you have the capability of looking after their property when you are not there?

To help you tailor your response to these buyers we will soon be publishing and sending a copy of our 2014/15 Rightmove Buyer Insights which will give you more in depth information on these buyer types along with details of the locations they are each more inclined to buy property.

Country of origin:
The second update we made to the enquiry form was to ask the potential buyer where they currently reside. We have seen an increase in enquiries from destinations all over the world and we thought this was important to share with you as well as make it easier for you to visibly see where your potential buyers are coming from. You may want to keep this in mind when you respond to a buyer by asking if they would prefer to deal with a language speaker in their native tongue or, if you get a buyer coming from the same country you are selling in you may want to prioritise it over others as there could be a higher chance of them wanting a quick viewing.