Seasons affect everything from our moods to our purchases, and properties aren’t exempt from this.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

During these long, cold winter months, many of us long for a beach house somewhere warm and sunny. In the midst of a heatwave, we can find ourselves pining for a cool mountain retreat, under the shade of tall trees with an icy cold drink in hand.

These desires are not lost on people selling a lifestyle property, who will often list their home for sale when demand for such type of property is at its strongest, in order to achieve the best sale price. This is an important consideration when you are looking to buy a property, as it can affect the price you will have to pay and the amount of choice you have between different properties.

When it comes to Australia and New Zealand, however, you need to be mindful that the seasons are in reverse – so while you are shopping for property with a sprawling garden in which to enjoy the Springtime blossoms and get ready to harvest your own fruit and veg, locals are stocking up for winter and pruning back their trees and shrubs.

It makes sense if you are on the ground in Australia or New Zealand on a viewing trip or holiday, but if you are perusing the listings from the UK in the comfort of your armchair with cup of hot chocolate in hand, it can be easy to overlook this point and wonder why you’re having difficulty trying to find your dream property.

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To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Australia or New Zealand, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Australia Property Buying Guide’ or ‘New Zealand Property Buying Guide’.

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