According to a recent study carried out by, the crisis of 2009 is over and the Italian tourism industry is set to be reinvigorated.

Italian hoteliers have been found to be the most optimistic for the coming year, with 75.59 per cent of them feel positive about their prospects for 2010, compared with the European average of 70.52 per cent.

For UK buyers looking to purchase an Italian property, the encouraging signs for the country’s tourism industry and the increasing strength of the pound could provide an opportunity to buy in the near future.

However, commenting on Italian culture and the language, Francesca Escery, global sales director of, said: "Italian culture is so strong and vibrant that you’re sure to experience it wherever in Italy you may be. Learning a few key words will go a long way – you’ll find people are friendlier."

Ms Escery indicated phrases like ‘si’ (yes) or ‘mi scusi’ (excuse me) will help to improve your Italian experience.

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