Neither Head of Overseas at Rightmove, Shameem Golamy or Partnerships Manager Chris Please are athletes, but they want to raise money for the Phabkids charity, which brings together people with and without physical disabilities.

Shameem’s brother has cerebral palsy and Phab supported the family when they were young, so Shameem wants to help them by raising at least £4,000. Whats more, Rightmove has offered to double any money the pair raises.

Shameem said, “Firstly let’s get one thing straight – I am not a runner. I’m five feet two inches short and I am not built to be a runner. In fact I actually believe my legs are so short I have to go twice as fast as everyone else to cover the same ground!

“So stupidly, perhaps, I’ve signed up to run the iconic London marathon with Chris Please who you should know is also not a runner!

“Now 26.2 miles should be possible, as long as bad backs, dodgy knees, tight hamstrings and a tendency to fall over do not prevail.”

The London marathon takes place on 21 April. Shameem and Chris have been training hard, even squeezing in four mile lunchtime runs near the Rightmove offices here in Milton Keynes.

Shameem says he learned a lot from Phab. “For me this was my first real opportunity to spend time with disabled people outside of my own family and at a young age I learnt to see past disability and get to know the real person.”

To find out more and keep up to date with Chris and Sham’s training progress, visit their Virgin Money Giving page.