After nearly getting their fingers burnt by a dishonest developer in Spain, Paul and Ann Merryweather had reservations about investing their savings in a retirement home in Italy but after visiting the sandy beaches of Calabria they quickly bought into the idea of Italian living.

They completed their research and, while excited about their Italian dream, they were concerned that their lack of knowledge, experience and only a basic grasp of the Italian language would leave them vulnerable to additional costs…or worse.

They needn’t have worried. Paul and Ann were determined to make their retirement dream work, but realistically they knew this couldn’t happen overnight. Their enthusiasm for everything Italian, especially the people, combined with their efforts to try and speak the language, meant they had no problem quickly settling into the local community where they now enjoy a thoroughly relaxing lifestyle. And they wouldn’t swop it for anything else!

Now happily spending 5 months a year in their property in Calabria, Paul Merryweather said “I easily recouped the small cost of buying a very educational book – and I can’t believe how easy it made everything! One recommendation saved us over 3,000 Euros – I actually don’t know what we would have done without “The Italy Buying Guide”.

Obtain your free mini-guide to buying in Italy here.