Regular trips to property in Spain could be resumed by BritsRegular visitors to property in Spain and the world's other most popular holiday destinations could be set to return en masse in the months to come.

PricewaterhouseCoopers reports that, following the impact of the recession, the most popular holiday destinations are seeing a resurgence in visitor activity.

Fewer than one in ten people surveyed said they would consider saving by cutting back on their main annual break.

Half as many were willing to lose out on short breaks and weekends, which could see two to three-day trips to property in Spain remain particularly popular.

David Trunkfield, a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, says: "Improving economic conditions seem to have lifted consumer confidence and consumers who have stayed at home over the last two summers are looking forward again to going on holiday abroad."

Ian Oakley-Smith, a fellow partner at the firm, noted in the summer that lower-priced deals were available from some budget operators as they tried to overcome shocks such as the eruption of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull.

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