Portugal property owners have something to celebrate this quarter, with the latest figures showing price rises across the country.

The latest figures from Knight Frank’s Global House Price Index place Portugal property among the top ten fastest risers for quarter two of 2009, with an average 1.7 per cent increase.

Commenting on recent holiday home-buying trends Paul Collins, editor at BuyAssociation, said: "People are buying property more for the fact that they can get away from the stresses and strains of work [and] they get time to spend with their family.

"There is a certain degree of increased confidence in the markets, which hopefully will lead to more Brits feeling confident enough to buy overseas again and get back on the overseas property market."

Half of the countries surveyed for the report posted a second quarter increase for 2009, including Portugal property.

Florida property owners can also take some good news from the study, with US prices shown to have risen 1.3 per cent in the second three months of 2009, placing the country 12th on the list.ADNFCR-1848-ID-19357643-ADNFCR