Almost 50 per cent of households in Portugal have access to the internet, new figures have revealed.

According to the National Statistics Survey, 46 per cent of Portugal property has access to broadband and out of those households which do have access, 96 per cent have got broadband installed.

This is a rise from the last time broadband use and access was surveyed in the country, back in 2004.

Such news could be of interest to those who are looking to take a holiday to a property in Portugal who are keen to remain in touch with the outside world while on their break.

Figures also showed that in the first quarter of this year, 56 per cent of households had access to a computer and between people aged 26 to 74, 51.4 per cent used a computer regularly.

Portugal has long been a popular holiday destination among Brits, due to its good weather and close proximity to the UK by air.

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