It would appear that more Brits than ever are thinking about moving abroad. A recent poll by the Worldwide Property Group has shown that 67% of people questioned believed it was a good time to think about investing money in the housing markets abroad.

65% also stated that they were in the process of considering purchasing a holiday home or second home abroad.

Managing director for the Worldwide Property Group, Kevin Wilkes, said: “It’s hardly surprising that investors are looking beyond the UK for places to invest. Many overseas regions are providing very strong potential returns.”

Portugal was one of the most popular destinations of choice, along with Turkey and the US. It is thought that Portugal was high on the list because of its proximity to France, Spain and the UK, the low cost of travelling to and from the country, and its fantastic climate.

Mr. Wilkes added: “With some incredible potential for property investment overseas mixed with increasing ease of purchasing a foreign property, people are finding they have much greater choice.”

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Portugal, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Portugal Property Buying Guide