An NPPL pilot's licence can now be used to fly to property in FrancePilots can now reach property in France using their National Private Pilot Licence (NPPL), it has been announced.

The qualification is now recognised in France, allowing holders of a licence with a Simple Single Engine Aeroplane rating to fly in the country.

As a result, holders of microlight ratings must still follow the alternative arrangements that are in place.

Restrictions also apply to flying over property in France during the night – as was already the case.

But Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) head of licensing and training standards Ray Elgy says: “We are very pleased to be able to make this announcement.

“The introduction of the NPPL has been a great success and the fact that holders are no longer restricted to UK airspace enhances its benefits.”

While newly announced by the CAA, the regulations came into force in France on June 20th and apply to aeroplanes registered for private use only in the UK.

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