Moving to a property in France 'will remain popular' with retireesRetiring to a property in France will always be a dream for people in the UK, it has been noted.

Maria Johnston, director at magazine Retirement Today, commented that the prospect of a better life abroad is something that has an everlasting appeal to many British residents.

"People do want sunshine, they do want a better standard of living, they do want a utopia and they're always going to look for it," she stated.

She added that there could be a slight rise in the number of retirees moving to a property in France or even further afield for example, because travelling has become much easier over the past two to three decades.

But it isn't just the older generation who are dreaming of a better life outside the UK.

Research published by the Student Currency Exchange earlier this month revealed that an increasing number of those aged between 18 and 25 are considering leaving Britain due to the poor jobs market.

Stop dreaming, start searching! Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of property in France.