What’s holding you back from making a move overseas? Are you too young or too old? Do you think it’s too much hassle? Are you worried you won’t be happy? Do you feel that you must stay in the UK to support your family? Are you afraid? If so – what are you afraid of?

Last year I met an amazing gentleman who moved from the UK to Cyprus at the age of 80. When I asked him what made him decide to relocate he said, “I didn’t want to reach the age of 90 and fail to follow my dreams. I want to die with no regrets.”

After leaving the inspiring gentleman, I thought… ‘if he can emigrate at the age of 80, anyone can do it!’

Whether you dream of a beach-front villa in the sun, a wood cabin in the mountains or a life in the warm yellow countryside, you can achieve it. Think back about the history of your life and all the things you ever wanted – you’ll realise that everything you ever truly wanted came to you. It’s frustrating when we realise that the only thing that gets in our way is us!

Every thought, decision and belief you carry has taken you on a path to where you are right now. You created your life up until this point and you can create a life overseas. You can have views of the blue sea, hear palm trees clacking in the wind and breathe fresh air that makes your lungs tingle. You can make the move now and it’s as easy as taking one step at a time.

Get a glass of wine, put some nice music on and grab a notepad. Jot down all the things you want and note the things you don’t want. Spend time getting to know what you truly desire. Once you can see, feel, hear, touch and taste your overseas dream, take another step and plan a holiday to visit areas that fulfil your desires or get on the Internet to research your options. Thereafter, you can start to put costs together and consider logistics. As long as you keep taking steps, your overseas living dream will come to fruition.

This is your life and you deserve to live it the way you want to. Stop letting life get in the way and start to gather some momentum. Now is just as good as any time to put the wheels in motion. Due to the ‘credit crunch,’ extraordinary deals are to be found and property professionals are eager to please. There’s a massive selection available at all price points – it truly is a buyers market. And if you feel your momentum starts to wane, simply ask yourself, ‘when I’m 80/90 years old will I regret the fact that I never went after my living overseas dream?’

Kim Brown is an author for The Overseas Guides Company.

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