As we face another week of freezing cold temperatures despite the fact that it is technically springtime – many of you might saying “enough is enough” and be looking to make the move elsewhere. Who can blame you?

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

One of the most important things that you will need to take into consideration when you move abroad is how you will support your lifestyle. As much as we all dream of a life without the need to work, it is just that for the majority of us – a dream. For this reason, before you make the move you will need to investigate job opportunities and how much you are likely to be paid as this can vary wildly from country to country.

Expat favourite, New Zealand, is often criticised for low salaries and lack of employment opportunities that have encouraged a large percentage of the young population to up sticks and pop across the water to Australia.

Pattie Pegler of the New Zealand Buying Guide comments on the current wages that you can expect if you make the move to New Zealand…“The minimum wage in NZ is currently $13.50 per hour before tax. This equates to $540 for a 40-hour week. If you are emigrating with children and they plan on taking on part time jobs, they can expect to earn $10.80 an hour. Good news though – both these rates are set to rise in April of this year. The adult minimum wage rising to $13.75 and the new entrants’ to $11”.

She continues…”As with anywhere, I would advise people planning on moving here to research how much they are likely to be paid for their particular profession. Unlike the UK, jobs are rarely advertised with their salary so you will need to have a chat with recruiters”.

“If you are going to be continuing freelance work in the UK, you will need to investigate currency exchange at the earliest stage possible to ensure you get the best exchange rates when transferring your wages, as well as other regular payments. By speaking to a currency expert like Smart Currency Exchange you can establish the best ways to get the most from your money on all of your regular transfers”.

For more information on how Smart Currency Exchange could save you money when making foreign currency transfers, visit the Currency Zone or download their free report.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in New Zealand, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘New Zealand Property Buying Guide

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