One of the delights of travelling abroad is to enjoy the cuisine and the culture of the country and where better to do that but in France?

Long acknowledged as a leader in both fashion and food, it may surprise you to know that the good old British high street favourite, Marks & Sparks, is re-opening an upmarket shop in Paris – in the Champs Elysées no less! This move, towards the end of 2011, will be followed by a chain of Simply Food stores and a French website too.

Evidently research has thrown up that many people living in France, both French and expat Brits, pop in to the store when visiting the UK and stock up on their particular addictions. Food is high on the list but evidently French fashion-conscious women also go for the clothes too, at what they consider to be really reasonable prices.

Marks and Spencer is reported to have closed its eighteen shops across France rather unceremoniously nearly ten years ago so it seems quite a brave move to reopen in the current economic climate – they must be pretty certain of the response they will get.

So…if you are planning on moving to France, this is one familiar aspect of British life that you don’t have to leave behind!

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in France, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘France Property Buying Guide’