The property market on the Spanish island of Mallorca could benefit from Ryanair’s latest announcement. They have stated that they will be opening and operating a base out of Mallorca’s Palma airport, which means up to 17 new routes out of the island.

With so many more visitors to the island, the housing market is bound to reap the rewards. This is welcome news for the island, which has fared OK given the current economic climate around the world. The rest of the Spanish property market has not done as well as the island, for example mainland Spain.

The new flights to other countries will have a positive effect, especially when you consider that the property market in Mallorca already has international appeal. Amongst others, some of the new routes will see flights to and from Gothenburg, Magdeburg and Tampere. This exposure to countries which are not suffering the economic crisis will attract interest from buyers there.

The level of interest for the property market in Mallorca has risen by over 20% in the last year; a sure confidence giver to potential new buyers.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Spain, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Spain Property Buying Guide