Who out there doesn’t dream of retiring to the sunshine? Whiling away your golden years by the sea, living the life of riley and never having to worry about where your next jug of sangria is coming from. However, as much as we fight it, life – and your bank balance, often gets in the way. So, how are you going to make yourself some extra money when you make the move abroad? Today the Overseas Guides Company outline a couple of your best options…

Utilise your skillset
Surely you have a skill that you can capitalise on? No matter how trivial you may think that your book keeping skills are or your ability to cut hair – these are the kind of things that you can utilise to earn yourself a bit of extra cash. No matter what your skills are, there is undoubtedly someone out there who will be willing to pay for the service and who will be more happy to pay an expat rather than someone that they can’t communicate fully with.

Help out fellow expats

Why not cash in on your experience as an expat? When expats make the move abroad, there is always a mountain of paperwork and bureaucracy that needs to be taken care of and things can get confusing. Perhaps you could make a pretty penny by offering your services out to these expats who are going through the same things that you went through when you first arrived.

Teach English as a Foreign Language to the locals
No matter where you move to, there will be students wanting to learn to speak English. Therefore, get yourself the Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) qualification and get yourself down the local language college. You can also supplement your earnings by taking on people to tutor privately.

Make the most of spare space
If you have extra space that you don’t need, why not rent out the room and earn some money. Maybe you have a self-contained annexe that would make perfect holiday accommodation? If so, the constant stream of tourists needing accommodation in your town could provide you with a nice little side-earner.

For more information about emigrating abroad, download The Overseas Guides Company’s free Emigration Guide

When transferring money to your new home to pay for things like health insurance, you can save yourself money by enlisting the services of a currency specialist rather than going through your bank. To learn more about this, visit the Currency Zone or contact Smart Currency Exchange.