British people planning a move to Australia should be aware that major changes to the country’s visa system came into effect last week.

From July 1st, anyone applying for a visa under the country’s skilled migration program will first have to record an Expression of Interest (EOI) through a new on-line system called SkillSelect. Postal applications will not be allowed. All EOIs will be allocated a score against a points test and ranked against other applicants, with the highest ranking being invited to apply for a skilled visa by employers or regional governments.

July 1st also saw the introduction of a consolidated list outlining what professions can apply for skilled migration. The list is extensive and features everything from engineers, architects and regional planners to dentists, tradesmen and teachers. To view the complete list, click here.

The changes introduced on July 1st signify the biggest shake-up to the Australian immigration system for years and have given rise to concerns that the new system is less fair than the previous one and less visas will be granted.

However, supporters argue that SkillSelect allows the country’s immigration department to determine what the country’s labour needs are, how many positions are available and where they are located in the country. People are now able to lodge a quick and free of charge application, which will give them a faster answer as to whether or not they possess the skills needed to gain entry and whether or not there is a job available for them. In the long run it should save people time, money and hassle.

July 1st also saw the introduction of a fast-tracked route to permanent residency for migrants already working in Australia on temporary skilled 457 visas.

If you’re thinking of making a new life, you can look for properties for sale in Australia via the Australian listings on Rightmove Overseas. When emigrating to Australia or buying property there, using a currency exchange specialist rather than a bank to transfer your money could save you thousands. Smart Currency Exchange can help you do this – for more information download their free guide by clicking here.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Australia, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Australia Property Buying Guide