As a home owner, unfortunately there are hidden costs at every twist and turn.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Whether it’s renovation costs, a new boiler, taxes, service charges – it can sometimes be hard to keep track and it’s inevitable that at some stage you will be hit with a bill for something that you weren’t expecting. When you are living or own property abroad, it’s important that you pay extra mind to this as the last thing that you want is to be hit with a bill that you haven’t budgeted for.

Council tax is a necessary evil wherever you live therefore, it is important to remain informed of when it is due to be paid. reader, Harry Braybrooke, wrote to us recently to highlight a problem that he encountered with his French council tax. He told us…

“I recently discovered that my Fonciere and d’habitation demands were being sent to my old address in the UK. This was the address that I had to give to the Notaire because it was the last place that I resided before moving to France. Apparently this is not an unusual occurrence so I urge people to check that if they haven’t received notification of what they owe, they should ensure that it isn’t sat somewhere whilst they get punished for none payment”.

For more details about buying property in France, visit the French listings on Rightmove Overseas.

When transferring money from the UK to your new home, you need to effectively manage your international currency transfers. As you will be receiving and making a number of international payments, you need to ensure that you are getting the best rates possible. For more information, get Smart Currency Exchange’s free report here, or call them on 0808 163 0102 (free-phone) for a chat about how they could help you.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in France, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘France Property Buying Guide’

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