So you’re all geared up for making the move to Portugal apart from one little niggle – what will you do for work?

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Unless you are one of the lucky ones that doesn’t need to work or amongst the select few that can continue their work remotely from their new country – you will have to look at your options.

With this in mind, today Ben Taylor of the Portugal Buying Guide outlines some of the employment opportunities available in Portugal.


If you are musically talented and can sing, play an instrument or DJ; you will find opportunities across Portugal. Understandably, the majority of these opportunities are found in the busiest resorts. You will need to secure a position early on in the season and bear in mind that the work will be harder to find in the winter months.

Bar work

Although many positions are reserved for locals or people who speak Portuguese, there are bar and waitressing opportunities to be found in the resorts. Target the most popular expat spots and places that are run by Brits.

Hair and beauty

This is a great skill to have under your belt as expats are always on the lookout for English speaking hairdressers and beauticians who are familiar with the styles and services that they received back home. This can be set up for next to nothing and you can spread the word through word-of-mouth. You’ll have clients coming out of your ears in no time.


There are international schools dotted around the country which need English-speaking teachers. Although positions aren’t cropping up all the time perhaps you can supplement your income by offering private tutoring.

On a final note, English speaking newspapers are the best place to begin your search. It is also worth noting that if you are enterprising, you will come across a number of ideas for businesses that are missing in Portugal. There are so many successful businesses set up by expats over here – it’s a case of taking that leap of faith and doing all you can to make it a success.

For details of property for sale in Portugal, visit the Portuguese listings on Rightmove Overseas.

One way to save money when buying property in Portugal or moving there is to use a currency exchange specialist when transferring your pounds into euros. For more information on this, visit the Currency Zone.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Portugal, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Portugal Property Buying Guide

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