Anyone seeking a heavenly Italy property investment may want to consider renovating an old church, it has been claimed.

Churches are in high demand by those seeking Italy property, according to estate agents GK Italian Property, with the finest examples often hidden away in lesser-know rural communities, making them ripe for investment.

The firm’s Gemma Knowles tells the Telegraph: "Even the tiniest hamlets have a chapel […] In Tuscany, the most expensive area, unrenovated stand-alone churches cost from £450,000 while those that are part of an estate or another property will cost from £1 million.

"[However], in regions such as Puglia or Abruzzo it’s possible to find unrenovated churches from as little as £130,000."

She adds that providing a church has been deconsecrated, Italy property hunters will have little difficulty securing the planning permission needed to begin performing their religious conversion.

Puglia is located on the southern ‘heel’ of Italy and is famous for providing the majority of the country’s olive oil, wine and pasta.

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