Italy property owners may be interested in recent figures showing the number of staff employed in the business travel industry is on the rise.

A growing number of business travel management companies are recruiting additional temporary staff in order to deal with the travel needs of UK customers, according to Advantage Business Travel Centres.

Norman Gage, director of business travel at Advantage Business Travel Centres, said: "We have two judgements [of business levels]: revenue and tickets issued.

"What we have seen in August, for the first time this year, [is that] the tickets issued in August this year was better than the tickets issued last year."

The increasing number of travel tickets being sold could be of benefit to those with a rental investment in an Italy property, as Mr Gage claims it could indicate that some agents believe a recovery in the business travel market is imminent.

Earlier this month American Express reported that the European hotel industry is picking up, with average daily rates increasing in 24 out of the 49 European cities studied, in what may be another positive sign for Italy property investors.

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