Now could be the time to make the most of the Italy property bargains available.

The Guardian notes that although prices for property in Italy have not suffered a crash, the market is still very much in the buyer’s favour.

Italy’s property market does not suffer to the same extent from the boom and bust cycles present in other markets, meaning that stability is more widespread, the newspaper suggests.

Northern Italy remains the most popular area to buy in, the paper claims, noting that certain areas which used to be nothing more than stopping points on the way to villas in rural Tuscany have now developed their own legion of holiday homes as more people look for Italian property.

As a result of this change, such areas have positive lettings markets, estate agent Jenny Gale who lives in one such town, Lucca, told the paper.

A late summer trip to the region may prove to be an ideal getaway for travellers hoping to find quality at a budget price, recently reported.

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