Anyone looking to invest in property in France may wish to consider Paris as a location. Apart from the obvious attractions associated with the capital, the International Circus Festival of Tomorrow provides a spectacle of its own.

Young professional circus performers from around the world come together in friendly competition to demonstrate their skills and make an impression on the world stage.

A property in France could give you the opportunity to see this event, which takes place at Paris’ Pelouse de Reuilly on January 28th–31st, every year.

Acts from world-famous circuses will be competing in a bid to become the circus stars of the future.

Performers such as the Beijing Circus, Moscow Circus, Swiss Knie Circus and France’s Ecole Fratellini will come together under the same roof.

The competition will be arranged into categories according to age group which will see circus performers from the age of 12 to 25 fighting it out for recognition.

Created in 1977, the festival includes acts such as jugglers, trapeze artists and contortionists.

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