That’s right people – the ski season is upon us!

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

As the days get colder and the nights draw in, people are rushing to book their time on the slopes – and of course their accommodation. With a seemingly unending supply of tenants looking to rent for a week or two, investing in property in a ski resort is an attractive investment for those with some capital to spare.

Today, the speaks to Julian Walker of about things that you should consider before parting with your hard-earned cash.

“First off, you will need to establish what exactly you want the property for. If you plan on spending a substantial amount of time in the property yourself and then renting it out – this is your classic freehold. Increasing in popularity is the trend of leaseback freeholds where you buy a property and then lease it to a management company who will then rent it to their database, thus guaranteeing you rental return on your investment”.

He continued: “When it comes to choosing where to buy there are a couple of standard rules that you should abide by. Firstly, the higher the property, the better. Holidaymakers want to be as close to the slopes as possible so buying a property that caters to this means that you won’t struggle to rent it out. Secondly, try and stick to being no more than one hour from an airport. This way, you can easily visit over a weekend if you so wish and it will make it all the more appealing to those looking for a holiday rental”.

Finally, Julian stressed: “The most important thing to establish is what you want the property for. Is it an investment or do you want to have free reign to visit whenever you want? Ascertain the reason that you are buying it and stick to it”.

For details of property for sale in France visit the French listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when buying in France, or moving there, is to use a currency exchange specialist when transferring your pounds into euros. For more information on this, visit the Currency Zone or contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in France, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘France Property Buying Guide’

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