Eurotunnel has said it is hoping to be able to reopen the Channel Tunnel within a few days following a fire yesterday in a truck that caused it to be closed.

The situation has led to disruption as trains on either side of the channel were cancelled and road passengers were unable to make the crossing.

While the operator has now confirmed that the tunnel will remain closed today, it remains hopeful that there will be services this weekend.

Such a quick restoration of service would be a contrast to the last fire incident in 1996, when the service was suspended for two weeks.

This could be considered good news by those investing in Normandy property, as the availability of the transport link between the UK and the region is one attraction of living in the area for many, making it possible to live in the region and commute to work in London.

Yesterday’s fire is believed to have started in a truck carrying the pharmaceutical substance phenol.

Phenol is used in operations to remove ingrowing toenails by burning out the nail’s roots.

This story was brought to you by Rightmove Overseas, the UK’s leading overseas property portal and part of It’s time to stop dreaming and start searching!