İt’s not often that you find a town that has everything, but Dalyan in Turkey seems to.

Tucked away in the south-west corner of Turkey, Dalyan is a pretty riverfront town that, at first glance appears almost untouched by tourism. You will find cafes, restaurants and buzzing bars but they don’t come with the neon lights, pounding music and aggressive customer catching that you often find in Mediterranean resorts.

Dalyan does get tourists but they usual come on day trips from surrounding bigger towns such as Marmaris or Fetiye. For this reason there is always a good mix of local people and travelers who are mainly the family type. The local people are genuinely friendly and you don’t feel that their main purpose of talking to you is to sell you something!

Dalyan is a picturesque, peaceful and welcoming town on the banks of a river which winds lazily down to İztuzu Turtle beach. İt is not often that you find fresh water and a beach so close together with a back drop of mountains and pine forests. İn terms of stunning views and amazing surroundings Dalyan really does have it all.

This environmentally sensitive area is home to all manner of wildlife, including the endangered loggerhead turtle, which nests along the protected, six kilometer stretch of İztuzu beach.

The beach won the Times newspapers 2008 award for best open space in Europe and is a rare sight in the Mediterranean. Six kilometers of golden sand, stretching from the base of a pine clad mountain to a river delta, with not a single house, shop or hotel in sight. İztuzu is the second most important site for endangered loggerhead turtles in Turkey. The beach is protected and although up to 5000 people can visit a day in the high season the turtle population is stable and even rising.

Because of Dalyans environmentally protected status building permissions are low. This means that it will never become a place full of high rise apartments or large hotels. Buildings can’t go above two storeys so there is no chance of the stunning mountain views being blocked out by the newest hotel which accommodates thousands of people. What you do get in Dalyan is large houses with large gardens on big plots. So buying in Dalyan is a very attractive proposition.

Dalyan has always been popular with builders, even since ancient times. The cradle of Lycian civilization is the ruined city of Kaunos. Easily accessible from Dalyan there are Lycian rock tombs just across the river in the village of Candir. Local, natural mud baths are also just round the corner and a boat ride away. So you can soak up history (or mud) as easily as relaxing and drinking a cold Efes beer. İt’s up to you – as Dalyan seems to have it all!

Based in the boutique town of Dalyan, King Emlak have a large portfolio of villas, apartments and other Turkish real estate. You can contact them on 0843 315 5693 or ask them for more information here.